Java Codes by Gamer
Sunday, September 05, 2004
SRM 209 DIV 2 - 500 pts
I dint saved the solution for 250 point. But 500 point was also good. Heres the problem statement. I could not complete 900 point problem.

The Olympic Games in Athens end tomorrow. Given the results of the olympic disciplines, generate and return the medal table. The results of the disciplines are given as a String[] results, where each element is in the format "GGG SSS BBB". GGG, SSS and BBB are the 3-letter country codes (three capital letters from 'A' to 'Z') of the countries winning the gold, silver and bronze medal, respectively. The medal table is a String[] with an element for each country appearing in results. Each element has to be in the format "CCO G S B" (quotes for clarity), where G, S and B are the number of gold, silver and bronze medals won by country CCO, e.g. "AUT 1 4 1". The numbers should not have any extra leading zeros. Sort the elements by the number of gold medals won in decreasing order. If several countries are tied, sort the tied countries by the number of silver medals won in decreasing order. If some countries are still tied, sort the tied countries by the number of bronze medals won in decreasing order. If a tie still remains, sort the tied countries by their 3-letter code in ascending alphabetical order.Definition

Heres my solution

import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.text.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;

class Country
String name;
int gold;
int silver;
int bronze;

name = "";
gold = silver = bronze = 0;

public String toString()
return (name + " " + gold + " " + silver + " " + bronze);

public int compareTo( Country other )
if( gold > )
return 1; //this come first
else if( gold < )
return -1;

if( silver > other.silver)
return 1; //this come first
else if( silver < other.silver )
return -1;

if( bronze > other.bronze )
return 1; //this come first
else if( bronze < other.bronze )
return -1;

return -1*name.compareTo(;

public class MedalTable
public String[] generate(String[] results)
Hashtable cnames = new Hashtable();

for(int i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( results[i], " " );
while( st.hasMoreTokens() )
cnames.put( st.nextToken(), "" );

Country cns[] = new Country[ cnames.size() ];

Enumeration en = cnames.keys();

int i = 0;
for(; en.hasMoreElements(); )
cns[i] = new Country();
cns[i].name = "" + en.nextElement();


for(int k = 0; k < results.length; k++)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( results[k], " " );
while( st.hasMoreTokens() )
String coun = "" + st.nextElement();

for( int j = 0; j < cns.length; j++ )//for gold
if( cns[j].name.equals(coun) )

coun = "" + st.nextElement();
for( int j = 0; j < cns.length; j++ )//for silver
if( cns[j].name.equals(coun) )

coun = "" + st.nextElement();
for( int j = 0; j < cns.length; j++ )//for bronze
if( cns[j].name.equals(coun) )

sortCountry( cns );

String out[] = new String[ cns.length ];

for( int k = 0; k < out.length;k++ )
out[k ] = cns[k].toString();

return out;

private void sortCountry( Country cns[] )
for( int i = 0; i < cns.length; i++ )
for( int j = i + 1; j < cns.length; j++ )
if( cns[i].compareTo( cns[j] ) < 0 )
Country temp = new Country();

temp = cns[i];
cns[i] = cns[j];
cns[j] = temp;

I lyk ua code...I hv 1 program of hosting Olympic games as follows:
We are hosting the Olympic games. Write a program that will track all the details of this hosting.

1. The program should track the countries and their players along with the games that they are participating in.
2. It will track the medal winners for each game.
3. The program should generate the following reports
a. A medal tally
b. For a given country, all the winning players, their medals and the games they won it in.
c. Bonus report: for a given game, give the winning players and their countries.

The following are the guidelines while writing this program

1. Only command line based interactions to keep it simple. You may gather inputs from standard input and show reports on standard output.
2. No persistence is required for the data – we can add persistence later when we go to using the JDBC APIs.
3. Make reasonable assumptions where there is ambiguity and state those while demonstrating the program.
4. Use Collections Framework.
5. Apply Object Oriented programming principles.

can u write java code for this????
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